********************************************* ** T W I L I G H T D R E A M S ** ********************************************* ** Versi¢n 1.2 F ** ** (c) SPM Software Applications 1991 ** ********************************************* This program is distributed AS IS. The authors specifically disclaim any responsibility for any loss of profit or any incidental, consequential or other damages. INTRODUCTION ============ Twilight Dreams is a CARDware Sprite Editor specifically designed with game programming in mind. If you like this program, I would like very much a postcard from your country and, if posible, a sample of your work. mail address: Roberto Cubells Prieto c\ Virgen del Puig 18 - 4 Valencia 46011 Spain The creators of this program, old SPM Software Applications components, was: - Roberto Cubells Prieto - Coder, GFX. - Antonio Barella Alvarez - Coder, GFX. - Juan Fabra Ferrandis - Coder. It has been placed in the public domain for the benefit of all, and represents *MANY* hours of work so it is requested that all users comply with the the wishes of the authors and: - To leave the program in the public domain - Not distribute any modified or incomplete versions of this program COMMANDS ======== EDITION ------- F2 - Save. F3 - Load. F4 - Change a color. F5 - Palette configuration. F6 - Copy one sprite at the current position. F7 - Horizontal mirror. F8 - Vertical mirror. F9 - Fill with the current color. F10 - Animation screen. Space - select sprites. F10 - Begin animation. <- - Reduce speed. -> - Increase speed. Esc - Exit A - Continuous trace. Alt+F5 - Information about the file in memory C - Erase one pixel. G - Get the color under the cursor. Ctrl+ -> Next sprite in memory. Ctrl+ <- Former sprite in memory. Esc - Abort the current operation. End - Cursor to the end of the current line. Home - Cursor to the start of the current line. Insert - Insert new sprite. P - Choose a color and modify the palette. Q - Quit the program. Del - Delete the current sprite. V - View the real size of the current sprite. PALETTE CONFIGURATION --------------------- Space - Select color. C - Copy the select color. Ctrl+ -> Next color control ( R -> G -> B ). Ctrl+ <- Former color control ( R <- G <- B ). D - Smooth between two colors ( the current and the new selected) . Esc - Exit. I - Interchange two colors. .SPR FORMAT =========== 1 byte -- # sprites in the file each sprite: 1 byte -- width 1 byte -- height n bytes -- # color ( n = width x height ) 10 bytes -- name 768 bytes -- palette